Episode 75 - Aubrey Sampson

When trials hit our lives, it can be hard to even believe that God is for us. How can we reconcile a good God with a life that seems bad? But even if we can believe, then what? How do we relate to a good God in the middle of painful circumstances? Aubrey Sampson found herself asking that when she found herself suffering from an autoimmune disorder, watching her young son undergo surgery and a difficult recovery, and grieving the sudden loss of a close family member. In the second part of our mini-series on lament, Aubrey shares with Davey some of the things that she writes about in her new book The Louder Song about what lament means and how it is vital to our lives today.

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Episode 63 - Callie + Kevin Colwick

Every pregnancy comes with its risks and worries. Along with the miracle of new life come fears of all the things that could go wrong. For Callie and Kevin Colwick, those fears were realized when complications with her pregnancy left her in a coma with little chance of survival. Kevin spent months in the hospital, unsure if he would ever see his wife awake again.

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Episode 56 - Tara-Leigh Cobble

When we go through trials in life, it can be easy to isolate ourselves. Sometimes misery doesn’t love company, and our instinct can be to face our pain on our own. When Tara-Leigh Cobble walked through a season of pain, she could have chosen to do just that. Instead, she shared her life with a community of believers, and they helped her walk through the loss of a family member, medical crises, and more. Tara-Leigh talks with Davey about connecting believers by leading the D-Group ministry, helping people engage with God’s word through the Bible Recap podcast, and more.

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