Episode 263-Breath as Prayer with Jenn Tucker


What do you do when you're overcome with anxiety? How can we connect our faith with our physical and mental health?

These are questions that Jenn Tucker began to ask after first walking her young daughter through anxiety and panic attacks, only to discover she herself was dealing with anxiety as well. As Jenn was on the journey of having a child who was struggling with both mental health challenges as well as a physical one, she started to recognize how little control she had in her world. What was often covered up under the guise of perfectionism and planning was soon recognized as her own deep seated anxiety. It wasn't until Jenn learned the spiritual discipline of breath prayer that she began to feel the peace and comfort of God, even when circumstances didn't completely change. It is through breath prayer that Jenn was able to learn to calm her body and soul and a tool God gave her as she continued to trust Him in her story.

In this conversation, Davey talks with Jenn about how we can often wrestle with the shame of perfectionism and control, why empathy grows out of our own struggles and the way that trusting God through our very breath and our prayer can be the way through whatever we are facing.

If you or someone you love have ever suffered from anxiety, this episode will give you both a practical way to find healing and the hope to keep going when life doesn't seem to go as planned.

“Breathing is the bridge between the brain and the body. Prayer is our bridge from our soul to God. It connects us to our creator.”

Jenn Tucker

Website: www.littlehousestudio.net/breath-as-prayer
Instagram: www.instagram.com/jenn_littlehousestudio/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheLittleHouseStudio
Book: Breath as Prayer: Calm Your Anxiety, Focus Your Mind, and Renew Your Soul

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Episode 264-The Cost of Control in Ministry, Leadership and Marriage with Ike and Sharon Hodde Miller


Episode 262-Surrendering Your Plans For God's Plans with Marcy Gregg