Episode 180- Christopher Yuan


If you had told the Christopher Yuan of years ago what his life would look like today, he probably wouldn’t believe you. As a promiscuous gay man who made his living selling drugs, Christopher’s life didn’t look anything like it does now. But an arrest, a prison sentence, and an HIV diagnosis turned out to be the things that would change Christopher’s life forever. Now, Christopher spends his days sharing the message of the gospel. To kick off our series on singleness, Christopher sits down with Davey to share some of his powerful story and how he’s learned to find his identity solely in Christ.

“There is no gospel apart from suffering.”

-Christopher Yuan

Episode Resources:
Buy Christopher’s Book: Holy Sexuality and the Gospel
Christopher’s website: christopheryuan.com
Connect to Christopher on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook: @christopheryuan

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Episode 181- Brooke Talley


Episode 179 - Michelle Moore