We exist to help you navigate your trauma, tragedies, & major life transitions and find purpose in your pain.

We do this by providing content that inspires, community that encourages, and coaching that empowers you to walk through your valley well and come out on the other side equipped with a renewed sense of meaning and purpose. No matter what life may throw at you, God does not waste an ounce of your pain, and we’d love to help you discover purpose in the midst of it. 

Join one of our Community Platforms and engage with others who are navigating similar valleys. You can choose from over a dozen categories tailored to your specific situation.

Grieving the loss of a spouse? Dealing with chronic pain? Chat with others who are walking through the same thing.

Pain to Purpose

Get the Pain to Purpose Course and learn step-by-step how to navigate your own personal trauma, tragedy or transition.


Get one-on-one help walking your valley with our Nothing is Wasted Coaching packages. We believe the one-two punch of counseling and coaching is essential to helping you triumph in your trial. While counseling helps you with the “deep tissue” work of the soul, coaching will help you devise a clear plan for moving forward and thriving. Hire one of our Certified Coaches who has been down the same valley as you and can help you navigate yours.